Distance Learning in Guatemala
Marcela (not her real name), 17, identified by our street outreach team in Coatepeque, came by court order to live at our home at La Alianza in Guatemala City in February 2020. During her initial interview, Marcela informed us she was enrolled in the 10th grade at her local school, majoring in computers. La Alianza coordinated with the school authorities, so that Marcella could continue her education while the school was closed down because of the COVID-19 pandemic. We helped her enroll in the school’s online program, where she has access to academic content and homework.The teachers lead virtual classes every day using Zoom and respond to Marcela’s questions about the lessons.
“The truth is that studying online has its advantages and disadvantages,” says Marcela. “First of all, I’m grateful to La Alianza because you’ve given me the opportunity to continue the course of studies I began. And, honestly, it’s not easy for me, even more so because I’m so far from my mom and family all these months. Distance learning makes it easier, in many ways, for me to rejoin my same school once I leave La Alianza. Applying myself to my schoolwork and seeking out the information I need on my own makes me feel like I can do this, like I’m capable. I’ve learned that I need to take care to organize my time. Also, the teachers here, at La Alianza, help me with any lessons I don’t quite understand. And I don’t feel alone.
“Sometimes I do fall behind because it’s not the same thing being at home and being here. Sometimes I’m late for class, or I need to catch up with my house cleaning tasks. I might sleep in or have to wait for the other girls to finish in the shower and bathroom. It’s more challenging. I don’t have a designated computer for my sole use. And I have to keep to a schedule, and sometimes that’s hard to do.
“But one has to adapt, because the equipment is needed by the other girls as well, and I need to do my part in our daily life together. Sometimes the internet fails, and that limits what I can do, but it’s not every day.”
Marcela notes that her state of mind impacts her schoolwork. But, in general, she says, distance learning allows her to advance her life goals and fulfill her objectives.